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BP-2100 Concurrent Programming System

BP Microsystems, Inc.

Type :
Last Update:

MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers Classic
Programmer - Gang
12/11/96 4:03:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The BP-2100 is the ultimate parallel device programmer, capable of concurrently programming 4-16 complex devices. Because it is a concurrent programmer, the system starts programming each device as soon as the device is inserted. When the last socket is filled, the first device will be complete and the process begins again, keeping your operator or autohandler in perpetual motion. The programming electronics are based on our proven BP-1200 design, so programming is speedy, reliable, and independent on each socket. When programming a wide variety and a large number of devices, the flexibility offered by the BP-2100 makes this a simple task. If you are programming Intel's flash memories, this is the perfect solution to maximize your throughput and minimize your failed parts. Each socket on the BP-2100 is independent. This is beneficial when programming devices whose programming times differ from part to part.
The BP-2100 can offer a magnitude of improvements in throughput, programming costs, and floor space. The system's primary use is to program and test complex devices with slow programming times, and also for programming unusual memory or microcontrollers not supported by the conventional gang programmer.
The BP-2100 has many features to meet the requirements of real-world production facilities. The BP-2100's fault tolerant architecture allows the system to continue production even if one of the sockets or boards should fail because the system is capable of programming devices without intervention by the computer. Depending on your needs, the system can be used manually, or automated with an advanced autohandler/laser marker capable of handling fine pitch SMDs tray-to-tray. Design files and job statistics can be stored on a file server to meet your document control and SPC requirements. The BP-2100 is the first programmer capable of programming hundreds of thousands of fine-pitch SMDs, FPGAs, CPLDs, flash memories, and complex microcontrollers month after month.

Tool Features:

  • Field Upgradeable to 240 Pins

  • Supports Over 8000 Devices

  • Supports DIP, PLCC, QFP, PGA, SOIC, TSOP, LCC,SDIP, PCMCIA, and SIMM Devices

  • Full Vector and Continuity Test Up to 240 Pins

  • Fully Automated Solution Available to Minimize Device Handling

  • Programs 600+ Devices/Hour

  • LAN Connection Possible

  • Development Platform(s):

    Not Applicable

    File Attachments:

    88.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XC5X - 40ldCerDIP
    8XC5X - 40ldPDIP
    8XC5X - 44ldPLCC
    8XC5X - 44ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    BP Microsystems, Inc.

    1000 N. Post Oak Road, #225
    Houston , TX 77055-7237
    (713) 688-2620

    Email :
    Fax : (713) 688-0920
    Toll Free : (800) 225-2102
    BBS : (713) 688-9283
    URL :

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